Friday, July 22, 2016

The Garden on Friday

Oh look!  I had to have it asap, so bought the chart on Beth Twist's Etsy site.  I can't wait to stitch the Western Tanagers.  

But first I need to finish up my mourning doves. Receiving the chart inspired me to work on this and I finished up the second dove and the blue vase. 

I've not posted much on my gardening endeavors this summer. So here we go...

The cooler, milder weather has made for wonderful gardening.

My fuchsias are so much happier than they were last year. 

As are the begonias...

...and the hostas.

I am really pleased with my begonias.

Lots of good color.

The ferns and the hostas are doing well - I just need to hold back a bit on watering them. Cooler temps and a north-facing porch means they do not need to be watered nearly as often as the plants on the south patio. 

Ornamental bird house.

This fuchsia has bloomed non-stop since early May.

Blues and greens.

In the flowerbeds the red frilly poppies continue to bloom.

The sweet peas are fragrant and colorful. 

I have hummingbirds and swallowtail butterflies in the verbena.

These are the best smelling lilies ever!


  1. Your flowers are beautiful! We had a good Spring in Kentucky but all of July has been miserably hot and humid. I miss living in cooler climate but I do so enjoy your pictures!

  2. What beautiful flowers--the colors are so pretty! I'm sure you spend a lot of time getting everything to look so lush and green!
    I love those bird patterns--when I first saw them online I thought of you!

  3. What glorious flowers! You do such lovely displays with them in the various pots.

    And ... is that a decorative goat? Love it!

  4. All of your plants look just wonderful! I think the plants think like I do. This is a much better summer than last. We even got 1/3 of an inch of rain last night and today. You stitched birds look great. Before you know it, you will have a collection of them.

  5. Absolutely loved the flowers, especially the begonias. Could you please let us know the names of the different ones? Loved the pale pink and the yellow ones!

  6. What a beautiful display you have this year! I am sure it takes lots of time to water it all every day or two! But so worth it! A bright spot in my very very hot day! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.