Saturday, July 23, 2016

Saturday's Critters

The last week has been all about bunnies.

Every morning after breakfast, Parvati and I go out to take a bunny census.

We've had as many as five in the backyard. 

Most mornings Finn the Friendly Deer is also out and about. 

She even laughs and smiles.

And while Finn is interesting, we prefer smaller game.

Brown bunnies to be exact.

Bunnies and daisies.

Sniffing bunny

Bunch of bunnies

On alert

Munching bunnies

Big nosed bunny

Bathing bunny

S t r e t c h

Bunny with a 'tude!


  1. All those bunnies - they put me in the mood to stitch a bunny. I once stitched a Durer bunny and then gave it as a gift. I don't think I have it in me to do another, but it was so very beautiful I sometimes wish I'd kept it!

  2. There are so many! Parvati must be in seventh heaven. :D

  3. Love your pictures of the bunnies! You do get alot of them. I see one once in a while.

  4. Look at all those sweet bunny pictures! You have so many!
    And the resting deer is sweet, too. I passed a deer today, just snacking on the side of the road...looked very calm and happy! It was early in the morning and there wasn't much traffic.

  5. Awww... aren't they just the cutest? And a 'regular' deer visitor... pretty special!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.