Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Wed Walk in June

Our unseasonable heatwave has ended thank goodness.  Let's go outside.

In June the long loose fuzzy leaders of the Douglas fir trees are like characters out of a Dr. Suess book.

Onward and upward!

Grow, grow, grow!

Lots of verdant growth including this teasle.

This is Plantain.

California Corn Lily.

Fuzzy grasses.

Columbia Lily buds - future flowers.

This is the end of the Pacific Ninebark blossoms.

Pollen decorating grasses. 


Vine Maple

The Osoberries have been picked over, so it's a good thing for the Cedar Waxwings that the Bitter cherries are ripening.

I wonder who has been working here?
Hope you are up for another walk in a week's time.


  1. Everything looks so green and lush there, Beth! I hope you can solve the mystery of the hole in the tree :)

  2. I think maybe the plants are as happy as we are to have this nasty heat gone. We came home from 95 and humid to 95 and a bit dryer. I dislike both very much. We did break down and get AC. After last summer, it was just too much. I always enjoy the walks.

  3. Great walk today, since I will NOT be going outdoors today in the excessive heat and humidity...I have a horrible migraine headache, woke with it and sundry other aches and pains--no idea what that's all about! But feel pretty rotten! I can't wait to see the progress of finding out more about that hole! Hugs!


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