Sunday, June 19, 2016

Hummingbird Sunday

Here's a rare sight!  Two hummers sharing the same feeder - a female Rufous and a male Anna's.

Male Anna's

Female Rufous

Female Anna's

Female Anna's loving Salvia 'Amistad'.

Female Rufous with an agastache.

I love this plant - the blooms go from orange to pink.

Female Rufous with a penstemon.

A female Rufous and a yellow Salvia.

She worked and worked and worked on this plant.

That allowed me to get off several decent photos.


Hope you enjoyed today's show!


  1. Hello Beth, Wonderful collection of hummer photos. They are sweet birds. Your flowers are beautiful too. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

  2. What a treat Beth. I never see two hummers at my feeders ever.. The male always chases the others off... Adorable photos..Michelle

  3. Hummingbirds are really awesome little critters. How great that you got so many shots of them.

  4. What's not to like?? Such cute little birdies! And so quick--you have a good snapshot finger to catch these shots! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.