Saturday, June 18, 2016

Dozing Deer and Baby Bunnies

I hope you have time to take a nap this weekend.

If your kids will allow you to!

On Thursday we saw the first new fawn of the year.

I think this guy will keep his Mom too busy to nap.

He certainly is sticking close to her.

Three bunnies

Two bunnies

Baby bunny grooming.

Baby bunny being a baby bunny.

Dust bath time.

Three cheers for the chippies!





  1. Squee! So much cuteness in this post! As I type, the resident chipmunk is driving Henry and Mabel wild!!

  2. That baby deer is so cute!! Such wonderful wild life!

  3. Love all the furry wildlife! Babies especially. :D

  4. awwwww a wee dear ....and today while out on a walk with Master Bentley and friends .... we saw a wee black baby bunny ... no photo unfortunatly ... love mouse xxxx

  5. Vickie is right, so much cuteness in this post! Great pictures! I have walked through our neighborhood a few times lately, and see lots of bunnies, adult and babies. So cute!


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