Sunday, June 26, 2016

Everyone Else

No bunnies in this post!

I have a small snake basking in the mudroom flowerbed.

The doe and her fawn came for a short visit.

They stay very close together.

Pretty adorable.

For some reason, the chipmunks are terribly under-represented this week.  

I only have a couple of photos to share.

And here is the snake that resides in my sister's kitchen garden.  She emitted a startled shriek this afternoon when they crossed paths.


  1. I see your sister and I have a lot in common. ;) We both love dahlias and we both shriek if snakes cross our paths!!! Everyone knew when I came across snakes at our last home in the country. aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!

  2. I could do without the snakes -- not my favorite creature in the world. Love the chipmunks and the baby deer though!

  3. I am so with your sister. I would never hurt a snake because I do know they are very helpful. HOWEVER, I do not want to be any where close to one!

  4. Much as I hate to admit it, even that snake has such great colors! The tiny fawn is my favorite, though...


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