Monday, June 27, 2016

Bee Happy Because of Beautiful Birds

Design - "Bee Happy or Bee Quiet"
Designer - Amy Bruecken Designs
Fabric - 30 count WDW Straw linen
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 10 June 2016
Completed - 25 June 2016

I changed this design a bit.  I omitted the section that said 'Or Bee Quiet"
and brought up the bottom border. As Krayola Kris noted these are wingless bees. I figure maybe they are big fat bees with their wings tucked in. 

I have lots of reasons to "Bee Happy".  Let me share some with you.

Cedar Waxwing

Female Black-headed Grosbeak and Cedar Waxwing

Willow Flycatcher

Male Lesser Goldfinch

Male Black-headed Grosbeak

American Goldfinches and a Lesser Goldfinch

Black-capped Chickadee

A baby California Quail

A Bushtit


Female Evening Grosbeaks

Male American Goldfinch

Male Western Tanager 

Lots and lots of reasons to be happy and sing a glad song!


  1. That baby quail is just darling!

  2. I loved seeing your Bullock's Oriole...never saw one before and it is so much fun to spy a new bird. Yes, babies are so cute in all their many forms. Loved your photos as always.

  3. Such a cute baby quail, it looks so young and vulnerable. Hope all is well in your part of the world Beth.

  4. Oh man!! A male Western Tanager--awesome!! Saw a couple of Summer Tanagers last time I went out a few weeks back... that was great, but no pictures. The baby Quail is absolutely adorable!1 Looks like it is on the concrete but unsure about it... You have such a great variety of birds on your property...thanks as always for sharing!

  5. That baby quail is darling! I like your stitching project with the word change! You do have many beautiful birds to enjoy.

  6. I would 'bee' very happy indeed if I could see half of those beautiful birds in my backyard. I'm going to have to work to see Oregon birds since we live in the City now.

  7. Nice change in your cute bee piece, Beth--I like it better this way! I would love having the variety of birds that you have, too :)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.