Wednesday, May 11, 2016

White Wednesday Walk

While green is the over-riding color of spring.

White is the accent color.

The Hawthornes are an explosion of white.

Soon the Ocean Spray will foam cascades of white.

Further white blossoms.  I looked and I featured this same shrub a year ago and did not know what it was then, nor do I know now.

The Buck Brush, also called Oregon Tea Tree or Redstem Ceanothus (Ceanothus sanguineus) is another white bloomer.

The Serviceberry is still in bloom.

Back to green.  Each year I look forward to the new growth on the young Douglas fir trees.  I like the bright green soft fuzzy needles.


  1. Как прекрасно все цветет))))

  2. Also white colour is beautiful
    I find it very fine and delicate.

  3. I can't get over all the American goldfinches you have. What a pretty picture they make. White is such a fresh colour and our provincial flower is the White Trillium, just in bloom, so I hope to have a photo soon.


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