Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Monday

While many folks now celebrate Memorial weekend with a barbecue or a camping trip, we still take time to place flowers at the graves of family members.    

I hope that you are able to take a moment today to think of the friends and family members who are no longer part of your life except in fond memories. 


  1. Beautiful flowers. It's a good way to spend Memorial Day.

  2. I also went to the cemetery to add fresh flowers for Memorial Day in a smaller town 10 miles from my home was so sad to see it is not being care for as it should. The town board will receive another call on Tuesday as I had been out there a month earlier it was in sad shape at that time. Hope things change there soon.

  3. I so wish I lived near enough to visit my family members' graves, but 5 hours is just too far to drive. Really love your flowers, Beth--that is such a special tradition that my mom always honored, too, for her parents...


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