Sunday, May 29, 2016

End of May Garden Efforts

Ah-oh!  Another flat of plants...

Make that two more flats of plants.

The good news is that I've already found homes for most of them.

I'm hoping to have a begonia display this year - using the old-fashioned begonias that the Victorians loved so much.

My sedum theater is almost done.  I still need to purchase 4 or five more plants.

This display is done.  The bottom shelf is reserved for sleeping, shade-seeking cats.

I have high hopes for this big blue pot.  Planted it with purple plants: Salvia 'Amistad',  Lavender "Spanish Eyes', Salvia 'Fairy Queen', and Angelenia augustifolia 'Angelface Blue'.  

Soon this penstemon is going to explode with color.

Peony - a traditional Memorial Day flower.

Volunteer sweetpeas.

Volunteer poppies.

Volunteer foxglove.

As the month ends, the mudroom flowerbed has some nice color.  The bumble bees are in love with the purple salvia on the left, while the hummingbirds like the pink saliva - something for everyone!


  1. The mud room garden is looking beautiful. I cant wait to see how the blue pot will look when it is in full color. I think it will be wonderful! Have fun planting!

  2. So lovely! I love that your volunteers are all gorgeous flowers. My volunteers are weeds. lol!

  3. Some really nice volunteers there! I have bird seed plants volunteering in my front bed... that's all! My clematis is finally growing... now to find a permanent home for it around here!


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