Saturday, May 7, 2016

All About Bears - April's Trail Camera Photos

It's time to share some of the April Trail Camera photos.

Here are three deer crossing Dorothy's Creek.   

I think the light in this photo is wonderful.

Prancing deer.

Heading down the path. 

Trotting to catch up with Mom.

But why did I mention bears?

We had a bear come by early in the month.

This photo is nice as it shows the moon was shining.

And then near the end of the month, a bear was active once again.

This looks to be a BIG bear!

I think we must have two bears.

Glowing eyes on a smaller bear!

Looking around.

While it's great to have bears on the property, is not so wonderful when they come up near the house.
The night of the 26th / 27th a bear climbed this tree, and tore down the wooden support to get at the bird food. 

A week later...

...this is what my backyard bird feeders looked like when I woke up Thursday morning. 

Besides all the destruction, the bear left a calling card!
So now am taking down all the bird feeders (20!) each evening and putting them out again in the morning. 

And if that was not enough excitement, one morning this week at 9:30am while I was sitting on the back patio with the cats (Padma and Parvati) I looked up to see a Bob-cat at the edge of the yard looking at us!


  1. Fabulous photos except for the bird feeder destruction! We have put away our bird feeders for the season (they won't come back out until late November/early December) because of the bear issues. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. I think the bear can smell the seeds and wants to dine on your behalf!
    Amazing that it didn't turn them over. Waay too close!
    love Annette

  3. Wow! That's a little too close to home Beth! What a lot of work for you but the only way to ensure the birds have a chance to get the food.
    Great photos!

  4. Great pictures! Isn't it interesting to think what roams in our woods while we are just going about life? My friend also has to take her feeders in each evening and put them out in the morning.

  5. ooohhh wow ... fantastic trail photos ...shame about having to take the bird feeders down each night though ... love mouse xxxx

  6. Oh my! That's a lot of work those bears are causing! Yikes! And the bobcat! Too much wildlife for me. lol!

  7. Oh, those naughty bears!! What a lot of work that is for you to take the feeders down at night... I'm sure your feathered friends appreciate all your trouble, Beth.


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