Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Stash Revealed and Bird Returns

In late March I visited Friendship Crossing, a LNS in Corvallis, Oregon.
Anne attended the Nashville Trade Show and brought back all kinds of goodies.  I found several charts and a kit that appealed to me. Bees, bunnies, and birds! I also stocked up on fabric and floss. 

Speaking of birds...   

While I was walking around photographing wildflowers, I spied a few of my 'regular' birds... 

...including a couple of Scrub Jays.

The Black-capped Chickadees were also very active.

This time of year while they do come to the feeders...

...they spend far more time in the trees eating insects.

This Song Sparrow was singing away...

...as was the Towhee.

The Big Bird News this week is...

The first sighting of an American Goldfinch this year. 
The male Goldfinch is on the left and the male Lesser Goldfinch is on the right.

Now they've switched sides.  They are easy to tell apart as the Lesser has an Olive back and is smaller and more sleek.  The Goldfinch has much more yellow on the breast as well as a yellow back.  

Good to see you again - and bring your friends on by too!


  1. ooOoo! Such fun. So many appeal to me. I really like Cat & Dog and the Bunny Frolic. :D

  2. Great stash there! I have thought a few of those were just up your alley when I came across them! I think NOW, I will be able to tell the difference in the Lesser and the American Goldfinches. I finally had a few coming by in the winter, so that I can ID them right away now. Don't think we get Lesser out here though... Hugs!

  3. Great new patterns!! Who is Cat & Dog by?

  4. Such a great stash haul, Beth--that Spring Frolic at Bunny Hill is particularly adorable :) Enjoy!!

  5. Great stash!! I don't think I have ever seen a Lesser goldfinch. It's such a pretty little bird.

  6. Yay! Love seeing the signs of returning birds, especially the colorful goldfinches. So pretty! Nice stash too.

  7. Awww...life abounds in your neck of the woods! And that stash haul! YAY!

  8. Envious of your stash; I love them all. Beautiful birds around. Our American goldfinches are just starting to yellow. Love the towhee.


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