Monday, April 11, 2016


Design - "Happy St. Patrick's Day"
Designer - Bent Creek
Fabric - 28 count Lambswool linen
Fibers - GAST and WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 3 April 2016
Completed - 9 April 2016


I see you!

The Tree Swallows want to move back into the house they used last year.

The Violet-green Swallows are house-hunting too.

Just when I thought that I'd seen the last of the Chestnut-backed Chickadees, they've shown up for a couple of days in a row.

 The Black-capped Chickadees are not going anywhere.

They have begun to sing in the morning.

A pair of Steller's Jays.

A pair of White-crowned Sparrows.

I've seen as many as five at a time. 

There are still more Golden-crowned Sparrows - often over a dozen.

It's challenging to tell a House Finch from a Purple Finch.
I've decided this a Purple Finch singing away... part because this famale was close by - note the white eyebrow that distinguishes her from a House Finch.

My pair of Lesser Goldfinches come the feeders most days.

As often in the case, the female is more 'quietly colored' than the male. 

This is a less than wonderful photo, but I had to share it.
A few days ago I had my binoculars out to look at a woodpecker, when I looked up to see this large raptor with a snow white head and tail circling overhead.  Yep, it was a Bald Eagle! He flew around for five minutes or so before heading off.  That's probably a once in a lifetime sighting here.  


  1. That first peek a boo photo is just adorable!

  2. So beautiful
    I would like to buy a little house for birds so I will admire them.

  3. Awesome about the eagle! One day recently, hubby and I were watching a grouping of buzzards come by, when he says that one of them is NOT a buzzard. I only caught a glimpse, but it was a hawk of some kind, either red-shouldered or red-tailed... yay! Birders in my area are out finding all kinds of warblers now... I can't wait to get out! Love seeing all the types of birds you have visiting! Hugs!

  4. Love that peek a boo photo Beth! What a great variety of birds you have on a daily basis.
    (loved Saturday's photos of the chipmunks!)


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