Sunday, March 6, 2016

February's Trail Camera Photos

February was a quiet month.  We only had around 100 photos.

Most of the photos were of deer.

We had a group of three...

...and four.

We are still testing out our second camera.

It presents a different angle of the same location.

It did capture this gray squirrel.

Remember I posted photos of a female wild turkey?

She strolled by the camera on her walk-about.

On February 19th, around 3:30pm a female bobcat came by. 

It looks like she's going to take a drink of water.  

But most excitingly, she still has a kit with her. 

So exciting to see Mama Cat and Baby Cat.

On the 28th at 1:30pm we had a second bobcat sighting.

Click on the cropped photo to see the deer in the background.

The deer is watching the bobcat...

...but does not seem alarmed.


  1. Bobcats are so dangerous, but so very wonderful to observe.

  2. I can't get over the photos of the bobcats! And the baby--so sweet!

  3. Great shots... but the bobcats...a little scary! However, you have said they don't come near the house, so... all is well. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Wow! Especially love the bobcat shots! They look to be all muscle!

  5. It's like a nature documentary!! :)

  6. No month with Bobcats is quiet! Wow!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  7. How great to get the views of both mama and baby bob-cat!

  8. These photos are extraordinary. Imagine, bob cats! Thank you so much for posting them.


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