Saturday, March 5, 2016

A Tough Day

This has been a sad and difficult day for my family.  I think that days like this are when we really appreciate the unselfish love of Furry Family members like Charlie.

Suddenly, we are wash in bunnies. 

They are everywhere.

I counted seven this morning and so did my sister.

The chipmunks greeted me this morning.

They were hungry. 

As was this gray squirrel.

They spend a lot of time trying to lift the lid of this feeder.

Others remain content with the food I set out. 

I went on a bird walk on Wednesday as spied this Douglas Squirrel. 

He was having a nice breakfast of Big Leaf Maples seeds.


  1. I'm sorry that today is not a happy day, Beth. I'll keep you in my prayers that the sun shines brightly on you and your family tomorrow.

  2. Sorry it's not been the best of days for your family. Take care.

  3. So sorry you've had a rough time. Sending you comfort and healing thoughts. Blessings, daisy

  4. Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way... hope things get better soon!

  5. Kind thoughts for better tomorrows! Your walks with nature are beautiful

  6. Sending virtual hugs across the miles.

  7. I'm sorry it was a sad day for your family. Lots of hugs to you and yours. I hope the various furry ones cheered you all up at least a bit.

  8. I am sorry to read of this Beth. I hope today is less sad. I am glad you have the snuggly comfort of the cats. I am praying for you.

  9. Thinking of you and your family Beth and sending thanks for the unlimited love given by our pets.

  10. My dear i hope and pray things get better soon
    Sending you positive thoughts and lots of love x

  11. I'm so sorry you are having a difficult day, Beth--hoping the coming days are brighter... The quiet love of a pet is so very healing, that's for sure.

  12. Oh dear--I shall keep you and your family in prayers, to lift the sadness of this difficult day from you all, and heal your hearts. Big Hugs!

  13. I'm so sorry to hear that you and your family are sad. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.