Monday, February 15, 2016

Still Stitching and Birding

I made a bit of progress on "Pink Heart".  I think one more evening session of stitching and I will have this done. 

I have had blue sky days and rainy days during the Great Backyard Bird Count.

On a blue sky day this Black-capped Chickadee sang a merry song.

Then he looked at me to make sure I was going to fill the bird feeder.

Here's another one keeping watch.

I am pleased to be able to count this White-throated Sparrow as part of the GBBC. 

And finally have a couple of decent photos to show the markings.
The white stripes on the crown on the head and the yellow above the eyes, plus the white throat are the keys to IDing this bird correctly.

House Finches are pretty straight-forward right now as I do not have any Purple Finches which would confuse the matter!

I still have a nice group of Pine Siskins.  I'd hoped that an American Goldfinch or Lesser Goldfinch or two would show up during the count, but so far no luck.

My two Acorn Woodpeckers have made the count each day.

I had a Hairy Woodpecker one day of the count.

And I am pleased to have this female Downy Woodpecker on two days of the count.  I've heard a Pileated Woodpecker, and a Red-breasted Sapsucker, but not seen the birds.  I've also heard an Evening Grosbeak.  

Today is the last day of the GBBC.  There's still time for a new bird or two to show up!


  1. I didn't do the bird count, but I did notice that for the first time in a long time, I heard Mourning Doves. I think it's the mild weather here.

  2. Oh Beth, you have some excellent photographs here.

  3. I wonder what your total was? You've always got so many feathered friends to share!

  4. I *love* black-capped chickadees!! <3

  5. You are getting great birds for the count! Great pics too!

  6. What a cute little heart design! It will be interesting to hear about your final bird count.


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