Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Catching Up

As I am almost done with a Valentine stitch, I decided to get the next project ready.  This is the one I've chosen.

I finished up my observations for the Great Backyard Bird Count yesterday.  Thanks to everyone who has taken an interest in my final tally. To be honest, I still have two days that I need to submit.  After I do that I'll be able to put together a post with the number of different species I saw and how 2016 compared with previous years.    

I do think this Red-tailed Hawk will be 'new' for 2016.

Monday morning I had an very large group of Pine Siskins - 50 birds I estimated.

Here's a close up of part of the group with a House Finch in the middle.

House Finches were well represented.
Both male... 

...and female.

I also had a group of Mourning Doves on Monday. 

I had several Robins too. I did hear a Varied Thrush, but never saw it.  


  1. I'm looking forward to your tally! And I have been really enjoying your photos, and your stitching. ☺

  2. I did the GBBC also... and just in time, the Cedar Waxwings sent a delegation to my neighborhood! One time I had about two dozen... but yesterday, it was closer to 35+ !! And a Baltimore Oriole has been here every day too... it's been looking rather bedraggled from the wet weather. (I entered the info on ebird). I did not stitch a Valentines piece this year... Your Collector's Heart will be a nice addition to your collection. Hugs!

  3. If you had to pick just 3...who are your favorite ones?

  4. Don't you just love Mourning Doves? They are such big clumsy birds and yet they try to pretend like they are the small birds. LOL. Mine try to sit on perches only big enough for gold finches. They do some of silliest things

  5. I have been wondering about your final count.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.