Thursday, February 4, 2016

Figuring Out February

Yep, it is February, I should get to stitching.
A gray dreich February day is a perfect time to put together a Stitching Plan.
As you can see I am spoiled for choice!

Here's how Parvati and Padma spent most of the day. 

I think they had the right idea.

They are, after all, professional Cat-nappers!

Today's photos are thematically continuing my Ode to Small Birds which I started on Tuesday with the Bushtits. 

My sister has a feeder in her Dahlia Garden and it attracts lots of Black-capped Chickadees.

I help her out and fill it up once or twice midweek.

That gives me a chance to enjoy the sight and sounds of these small birds.

We both get Chestnut-backed Chickadees in the winter.

The Chestnuts linger a bit longer at the feeder.

They too are pretty adorable.

Busy little bird.

I cannot forget about my Pine Siskins.

They've been very reliable visitors the past two winters.

While at first glance, they look like basic brown birds, they do have pretty yellow accents on their wings which are most noticeable in flight.


  1. Chickadees are so cute. I always enjoy seeing them out the window.

  2. Those are just adorable little birds, all of them. We get lots of chickadees at our feeder. Good luck making your choices. You have lots of good charts to choose from.

  3. I enjoy all your bird pics! I will be happy to get back outside and do some photo shoots! It was so rainy today and a perfect day to stitch but I didn't get any done!

  4. You have a lot of great options for February! I'm looking forward to seeing what you do!

    And your pics are great, as always. The tiny birds are so flipping CUTE. I've always loved chickadees. When I was little someone told me that they say their name when they sing - "Chick-a-dee-dee-dee." I don't know if it's actually the chickadees I'm hearing when I hear that song, but I still imagine that's what they're saying. :)

  5. I love the NAMES of the birds, too - "pine siskins" and "chickadees" - "wrens" and "nut thatches" and "flickers" - birds are so precious!

  6. I can't wait to see what you choose!

  7. Funny... as I started to read your post about Chickadees, one of our Carolina ones was outside my window, flitting and chattering! Deja vu! I really love seeing the Chestnut-backed ones... very beautiful! I haven't really picked up a new February project yet either... I look forward to seeing what you pick of course!

  8. Recently attended lecture on chickadees. They are amazing & a tremendous benefit to other birds, acting as sentinels. And so cute!


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