Wednesday, February 3, 2016

A Walk in February

We've lucked out and it is a pretty day in February.

In western Oregon February is a month that can chant winter... 

...while hinting of spring to come.

The pussy willows are out and the cow's parsnip has begun to grow.

The hazel shows signs of spring...

...while the creek churns with winter rains. 

A bit more light shines in the forest...

...while bits of winter hang on. 

A tree heals from a Sapsucker's assault.

The groundhog said spring is not far away.
The pussy willows agree! 


  1. I hope that we will have an early spring... It is kinda weird here. We did have a bit of snow when that 'blizzard' came by, and the temps were frigid. But, we are having warmer temps right now (supposed to pass 70 today, then rain will come in and drop it to 50's)--at least that is what they say today! I am sitting here watching a beautiful Goldfinch on the new feeder and a Yellow -rumped Warbler on the suet...but a blackbird just came by... and bye-bye all! Hugs!

  2. All looks lovely and I've got the itch to look for some pussy willows after seeing your pictures. Though I must wait for the rain to stop...
    Evalina, This and that...

  3. So pretty - I miss Monmouth and, up north a bit more, Whidbey. So pretty there, and the flora and fauna is unmatchable.


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