Monday, February 1, 2016

And Now It Is February!

February 2016 Blog Header

Row #1: Brightneedle, "Valentines" - "Be My Valentine"; Brightneedle, "Valentines" - "Be Mine"
Row #2: Heart in Hand, "Collector's Heart 2013".
Row #3: Heart in Hand, "For Keeps"; A Needle and Fred, "Heart Squares".

Let's celebrate a new month with a song!

With mild temperatures, the Song Sparrows seem to think spring is close at hand.  

They've been singing up a storm.

It was rather neat to be able to watch the bird as different parts of the song call for different muscles.  Look at the throat muscles on the bottom left. The bird was still singing though his beak was closed.

Singing away...

It was a call and response as there were two birds.
This one...

...and this one!

First one would sing...

...and then the other one would answer.


  1. Every single piece in your new header is fantastic. My favorite is "Be Mine". :D

  2. Those birds need pedicures! Really nice lot of stitches for the header this month! Hugs!

  3. Love the February header! And the birds -- I bet they sound lovely....

  4. What lovely lighting in your equally lovely song bird photos!

  5. Great header. I especially love the Brightneedle one top left, that tall skinny basket is so sweet

  6. Love the header! So perfect for this month.


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