Sunday, January 31, 2016

My Guy Hummers

I haven't seen a female Anna's for several weeks now.

I do have a couple of guys who are regulars.

They are incapable of sharing the feeder.

While I have three feeders, the one in the back in the kitchen window is the favorite.

If one is not at the feeder...

...then he is nearby 'guarding'. 


  1. I once thought that hummers were sweet and gentle tiny birds. On the contrary! Towards each other they are positively unfriendly! The air-to-air combat is amazing to watch!

  2. Lovely choices for your new header. I can't believe it's February already.

  3. Your header is looking so pretty
    Happ february x

  4. Oh what a lovely PINK header!! :D
    Such fiesty, little guys.

  5. You have hummers already? We usually don't see any until around June then they leave again around the end of Sept. but I do enjoy them while they are here.

  6. Hmmm. I wonder where the girls are.....

  7. They are so serious about guarding "their" feeder!


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