Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Woodpecker Wrap Up

Chart - "Snowman Trilogy"
Design - "Snowman Two - Be Jolly"
Designer - Val's Stitchin' Stuff
Fabric - 28 count Flax linen
Fibers - WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 17 January 2011
Completed - 22 January 2011

Back to the stitching archives I go to share another of my favorite snow guys.

I had a pretty good week with woodpeckers.

From a distance I heard, and then found the female Pileated Woodpecker atop a snag.

She never flew in for closer inspection, darn it.

The Acorn Woodpeckers have been working away on their granary tree. 

As is often the case with projects, the female is supervising!

Five seconds before I snapped off this shot, there were three Acorn Woodpeckers lined up in a row.

I've had three Flickers around, but when it came to to share photos,
all were of males.

The mustache males for a handsome bird.

It takes confidence to pull of polka dots.

And after a couple of weeks of only seeing a female Hairy Woodpecker, this last week it has been a male active at the feeders.

I did see and hear three of these, but could not tell how many were males and how many were females.

The red on the back of the head is the clue that this is a male.
Gotta' admire how woodpeckers march around a tree upside down!


  1. The photos of the Flickers are particularly stunning!

  2. Lucky you, getting Flickers!! They have only come to my yard one time and I think it was on a migration trip because there were so many. I had never seen one before! I love woodpeckers and have been debating about getting a woodpecker house so they will come around more often and nest!

  3. That is one cool hat on your snowman.

  4. Oh, the polka-dots are so wonderful!! Especially with that charming red mustache :)

    Love your cute snowman, too, Beth.

  5. Love the sweet snowman
    Big hugs x

  6. I really like how the words frame your Snowman 2 and even go "upside down" in his scarf. And I love the bird photographs!

  7. Lovely stitcheries and woodpeckers esp. the flickers. Thanks for including them.

  8. I just love woodpeckers! Thanks as always Beth for sharing the great shots you get.

  9. That is a very cute snowman. I just love seeing an old dead tree that the woodpeckers have been using. My BIL once offered to clear out some of our brush. I said NO WAY! very quickly. All sorts of creatures use the woods behind our house.

  10. What a cute snowman!
    I love to see the Flickers - so shy, when they shouldn't be, as they are so very beautiful.

  11. Very beautiful birds with the red on or around their heads.

  12. Cute little snowman! I gotta stitch a few... But I'm finishing a largish piece right now. Love seeing the granary tree! That is just so cool! We are certainly blessed to have woodpeckers visit us! I only get Downy's and Red-Bellied, but it's enough for now! I only have to travel about 10 miles to see more types... Or read your blog! Thanks for sharing!

  13. So beautiful! Your blog and pics make my day!

  14. I enjoy your woodpecker posts. They are so fun and colorful. Great snowman too!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.