Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Warm Wednesday Walk in January!

Look at that blue sky!  
It was crazy warm (63°F) so I had to take a walk.

The trees along the Big Creek are wearing moss rather than leaves.

The littlest of creeks is burbling along.

Licorice ferns and moss - that's an Oregon shaded forest!

More moss.

Last year's Oak galls - you can see the hole where the parasitic wasp escaped.

Cow's Parsley


Blackberry leaves

Douglas fir cones

Fuzzy Douglas fir branches

And now the weather is turning as a storm moves in.
Time to go back inside!


  1. What a nice walk. Now I know where the sun was today. Not here for sure.

  2. Lovely! The Willamette Valley? I think maybe you will have an early spring!

  3. It is beginning to warm up around here too. I am hoping that we do not have another cold blast with more snow and ice!

  4. What a beautiful day to be outside! I love the word "burbles"!
    You're invited to share this wonderful outdoor post on this week's Maple Hill Hop!

  5. Just like that... the weather turns! We are heading to some warmer weather, inching up each day... then, on the warmest day, rain! And twenty degrees colder the day after... sigh... Thanks for the walk! I like the looks of Teasel...


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