Thursday, January 21, 2016

Sophia is Finished

Design - "A Baltimore Bride - Sophia"
Designer- Summer House Stitche Works
Fabric - 28 count Picture This Plus Doubloon Cashel
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 5 November 2015
Completed - 18 January 2016 

Love the color of the fabric and the colors used for this design. Sophia is quite the fetching owl I think.

Golden-crowned Sparrow

Song Sparrow



  1. Oh Beth! Sophia is stunning. This is a real beauty.

  2. I have not seen anyone stitch Sophia previously... yours is really gorgeous! I just saw a Baltimore Orioles on my feeder, at two separate times... Or it could have been two different ones! They are unsure of the neighborhood, so don't stay long! Hugs!

  3. Sophia is lovely! I think the colours are perfection.

  4. Sophia is just lovely! The colors are beautiful! Really pretty!
    Those are some big "fluffy" looking birds!!

  5. Sophia is fabulous!! I love the colors.

  6. Sophia is just beautiful. Are you planning to frame it? Buckets of rain up here!

  7. What a lovely finish! I do like owls. Great pictures of your backyard birds.

  8. Such a great finish, Beth and so interesting with the colors used! That looks like a very wise old owl :)

  9. I LOVE Sophia! I purchased the pattern from Beth Seal @ Summer House Stitche Workes - at Stitching at the Beach last year. Beautiful job! Love your bird photos too. :)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.