Friday, January 22, 2016

Somewhere it is Snowing

Design - "January Snows" (Snappers)
Designer - Bent Creek
Fabric - 32 count Country French Mocha linen
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 5 January 2011
Completed - 8 January 2011

As parts of the east coast brace for a monster snowstorm, I thought this stitch from 2011 might resonance!  I'm not sure that I should mention that all is mild in the Pacific NW with temperatures in the 50's!

The mild temperatures make for pretty good birding. I managed to 'capture' some of my more elusive Winter Birds.

Most mornings I look around at Robins hoping to find a Varied Thrush.
Are you impressed that I figured out the bird on the branch on the right was a Thrush?

Here he is! Wahoo!

Now, if only he will come in closer some day.

It is always fun to watch a Red-breasted Nuthatch at the feeder.
The bird grabs a sunflower seed and then stashes it in the bark of a tree for later consumption.

They look like very inquisitive birds.

This is also the time of year that Kinglets flit about in the brush. Often they are in the company of other small birds like Chickadees or Bushtits.

My photos are less than wonderful, but I was pleased to find a Ruby-crowned Kinglet.


He's a very small bird that is in constant motion.

The Golden-crowned Kinglet posed for me for just a moment.

Bushtits generally flit and flutter too, so it was special to get several spots of this bird.

He was in the company of 7 or 8 other Bushtits and 2 Ruby-crowned Kinglets. 

Such a cute little bird.

Doesn't he look happy?
I sure was pleased with all the birds on my stroll to my sister's Dahlia Garden. 


  1. Yep, it is snowing here. Freezing rain and ice too. A big fat mess. A good weekend to stay inside and stitch.

  2. We got snow a couple of days ago, with a bit of sleet. I have to admit I loved it. I don't love having to drive in it, but everything else about winter/snow is my favorite. :)

    The little happy Bushtit is so adorable! And the Nuthatch stashing sunflower seeds!! So cute.

  3. It's summer here :) but I love snow so much
    Sweet smiles :)

  4. Snowing here as I type!! And they said we would not get any!! It's almost like a blizzard it is coming down so hard and fast! We don't do snow well here, so kids are still in school... gonna be a mess later... Love your new birdies!! The Bushtits are so fluffy and cute! And the Kinglets are so cute and round! Hugs!

  5. What a cute snowman! We are lucky here, Beth and are only on the very fringe of the storm--due to get just an inch or two :)

  6. I love seeing your happy fat birds today as always! Today I am seeing flakes and lots of wet streets, but not much accumulation as I am on the edge of the storm pattern.

  7. Yes, 58* here in Kennewick today and I just tossed on a sweater to go to work!!

  8. Great photography. I tried for quite awhile to get a picture of a Bushtit but was never able to get it. The birds just kept moving!! No snow up here either, just a lovely sunny day so welcome in Jan. and not so welcome in August!!

  9. Beautiful stitching and great photos
    In the north of Italy we have -4°C brrrrrr

  10. Great snowman stitching, and that is an adorable little bird

  11. Love all the birds -- you are good at bird watching. Wish we weren't getting the snow, would like to be where you are. Oh well.

  12. Love your bird pictures. We are here on the east coast in the Mid Atlantic and it is snowing about 24" right now suppose to continue for another 6 hrs or so. Do have a few birds at my feeders, I feel sorry for them.

  13. Somewhere it's snowing but not at your house! :)
    I adore your sweet bird watching pictures!

  14. Just love looking at your bird do grab great shots. And your stitching is lovely too!


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