Saturday, December 12, 2015

Woodpecker Weekend

Low light with rain pouring down so most of my photos are not very good.

I do continue to see a male and female Hairy Woodpecker.

This is the female.

And the Acorn Woodpeckers are reliable standbys.

Here's a female and male.

The female posed very nicely.

Thank you!

I think I still have four birds around.

And as you can see I have at least two Red-shafted Northern Flickers - a male and a female. 

A male with feathers tight.

A male with feathers unfurled! 
Quite the colorful display!


  1. Wow how many beautiful birds
    Colours are so wonderful.

  2. What a display that Flicker is making. We have had lots of birds feeding today. I think it is the weather.

  3. Love woodpeckers. That one with the unfurled wing is spectacular!

  4. Just love woodpeckers. The Northern Flicker I get here is very shy; I've managed a quick photo or two. Their markings are so pretty. Thanks for these.

  5. Wow! The colors are so amazing! Thank you for teaching me so much about birds!


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