Friday, December 11, 2015

Friday Framed Finish

Design - "Keeping the Bees" (kit)
Designer - Shepherd's Bush
Fabric - 32 count Light Sand linen
Fibers - Silks - 1 strand over 2 threads
Started - 15 June 2015
Completed - 19 June 2015 

Framed October 2015

I didn't take very long at all to decide to have this piece framed. I chose a very simple honey-colored frame that works wonderfully well the the Shepherd Bush color pallet.

Here's something else with a soft color pallet...California Quail.

Here a quail.

There a quail.

Everywhere a quail...



These ground feeding birds act very much like chickens.

They are social and like to be in  flock.

They walk about...

...pecking at grass seeds and insects.

They are a delight to watch.


  1. such a cute finish, the Red Reindeer on your previous post is also very cute

  2. I love your stitching, and all of your photos! You take amazing nature photos. The quail in particular are so unbelievably cute; I saw my first quail (including a tiny hatchling!!) in Arizona last spring, and I've been in love with them and their goofy little top-knots ever since.

  3. Congratulations for the finish
    Frame is perfect for this stitch
    Birds are so pretty

  4. I always like to see the quails! That is a very pretty finish and the frame works so well with the colors in the design.

  5. What a great finish! Love the deer from yesterday showing us a rear view!
    The quail completely fascinate me, and as always Beth, your photography skills are amazing.

  6. Your Red Reindeer are cute! I've been away from the computer for what seems like forever. I've enjoyed catching up with your blog.

  7. I like the frame you chose for this one! Those quails are adorably round.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.