Sunday, December 6, 2015

Frosty Jays

Scrub Jay

Scrub Jay

Scrub Jay in the sunshine.

Every time I see a Scrub Jay I get exciting thinking it might be a Gray Jay. 

There have been several sightings of Gray Jays close to where I live, but I've yet to see one.

Steller's Jay

The bright blue of a Steller's Jay is unmistakable.

The have bright blue eyebrows and lovely tail feathers.


  1. I love your bird photos! The gorgeous blue jays are beautiful. But I like the turkey vultures too! :D

  2. We get lots of Steller Jays but I have not seen the other kind at our feeder. Our garden guy talked about heated hummingbird feeders. If I had one of those, I could have fed them this winter.

  3. Your Stellar's Jay photos are gorgeous! It seems a few are posed! Rascals!


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