Monday, December 7, 2015

Another Red Reindeer and Unusual Birds

I'm working on another Prairie Schooler reindeer!  I think I'm going to end up stitching four of the patterns in this chart.

I cannot ever remember seeing a Turkey Vulture in December.
And to make it even more weird, I am pretty sure the other bird is a Raven.

When you compare the size of the two birds, the 'smaller' bird is too big to be a crow.

I wish it would have come in closer. 

If one Turkey Vulture in December is unusual, what are three Turkey Vultures?

The birds were enjoying a bit of morning sunshine, warming up and drying off their feathers after several days of rain.

I know, those are faces only a mother could love!

Later on perched on the same tree - here's my Raven.

Bigger than a crow, with shaggy throat feathers and a curved tip on the upper half of the beak.  RAVEN!  A new-to-me bird. 


  1. The raven, he looks great. The turkey vultures, no, never. They are just so ugly.

  2. I always have trouble deciding if a bird is a crow or a raven. A ranger in the Olympic National Park said the raven is usually quite a bit bigger. What a cute reindeer!

  3. Nice new PS start, Beth (wish I could say the same about those hideous turkey vultures!!)...

  4. Please put me back on your mailing list. At least once a year your daily blog disappears.

    E mail

    Nancy Carr

  5. Nice reindeer! How unusual that it is mostly red.

    We have grackles here and lots of turkey vultures all year long. We are so grateful to them for "cleaning" up our roads. ;0D

  6. The weather and hence birds are all messed up! Huge floods where I used to live in the UK, and we are on the edge of drought!

    I though that Lord Howe did look like the NW - but only on the days it rained!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  7. Love that red reindeer! A great addition to the herd :)

  8. I love the design with the reindeer's bum!
    Are they called turkey buzzards because they look like turkeys or is it like fish eagle and sparrowhawk?


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