Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Burgundy and Bright Blue

Design - "A Quaker Year" - "Merry Winter"
Designer - Homespun Elegance
Fabric - 28 count Amber linen
Fibers - Belle Soie Silks
Started -15 December 2010
Completed - 19 December 2010

As I'm not stitching much now, I will show off some of my past seasonal stitching efforts. This was my first attempt using Belle Soie Silks.

This is the only photo of an Anna's Hummingbird I've managed to take this week. This guy was hanging out atop a young Douglas fir tree - keeping an eye on the front porch hummingbird feeders. 

As we don't have Cardinals in Oregon, the Steller's Jays serve to provide a bit of color on a greay day.

I think there are around a dozen birds in the area.

I often see 5 or 6 - even more when they band together to run off a Cooper's or Sharp-shined Hawk. Go Jays!


  1. No cardinals in Oregon? Interesting....

  2. No cardinals in Oregon? Interesting....

  3. What stunning birds those Stellar Jays are!
    You teach so much! :)

  4. Those Jays are beautiful! Great colour combination with your burgundy stitching.

  5. Gosh I just loved seeing that Steller Jay; I don't think we get them here but we do get Blue Jays and Cardinals. How did you like working with the silks?

  6. I do love that Quaker winter piece. The Steller Jays have been enjoying our feeder.

  7. These blue birds are so beautiful.No such birds over here.

  8. I like your rendition of Merry Winter. I love to use silk threads... I did a piece this week, and subbed in some silk for one part and it felt so nice and soft in my fingers!! I haven't see our Blue Jays around much... but we spotted a Dark Eyed Junco under the feeder today and my son snapped a terrific shot! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.