Monday, December 14, 2015

A Study In Browns

I find it hard to find any time to stitch this time of year. 
Here is all I've managed in a week's time.
This is Early Working's "Winter Stag Pinkeep". It is a study in browns reflective of this time of year.

Many of the birds are also a study in browns.

Not sure who this is - larger than the Cooper's and Sharp-shined Hawks.

This is a Sharp-shined Hawk. The small head and the notch in the middle of the tail feathers help to ID the bird.  

It was a very rainy and windy dark day.

I don't think the hawk had much luck as there were not many birds out and about. 

After several week's absence, I was pleased to see a pair of House Finches. The male flew off before I could get my camera out. 


  1. A great start on the stag. It will be beautiful.
    Majestic brown birds.

  2. You've managed more stitching progress than me -lol! Lovely start on the stag. Merry Christmas love Annette

  3. We have several hawks around here; I appreciate your tip on identification via the tail feathers!

    Have you ever done any Crossed Wing Collection cross stitch patterns? The people who create them are birders, so all of their patterns not only include birds, but in patterns containing multiple birds they give all of the birds' names. There are a couple of free patterns at their website, too, including one of an Anna's Hummingbird.

  4. Wow! The hawks are amazing!
    Great stitching too!


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