Thursday, November 5, 2015

Thursday - Walk on the Wild Side

Design - "Happy Whoo Whoo Day"
Designer - The Trilogy
Fabric - 32 count Clay Blefast linen
Fibers - DMC, GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 24 October 2015
Completed - 4 November 2015

As I've been hearing Great Horned Owls and Barn Owls most nights, this stitch turned out to be very seasonal!

And strangely most of October's trail camera photos are noctural.

We did get a few daylight shots of deer.

But not many.

October was dry until the close of the month, so the galvanized barrel of water proved popular.

The water is available 24/7.

We did have one raccoon. 

And a Bob-cat at the beginning...

...and end of the month.

Close 2nd behind the deer, came the bears! 

Yes, I said bears as in plural. 
This is Mama Bear.

And here are a couple of Baby Bears. 

They are thirsty Baby Bears.

One more bear sighting much later in the month.

This time Mama Bear is one who is thirsty.
Very thirsty as we topped off the watering trough with 2 gallons of water on the 1st of November.

Will we see Mama Bear and Baby Bear in November?
Stay tuned!


  1. Fantastic stitching. Great wildlife photos.

  2. I love that owl and I want to get a trail can, how cool to see what they capture

  3. very pretty finish ♥

  4. I love it when you capture the elusive animals like the bobcat and bears. It's wonderful to know they are out there!

  5. That is a cute finish... I have a few of those Trilogy charts... really must get some out and stitch them! The camera shots are always interesting to see... I wonder if the bears will start their hibernation or be around? We shall see! Hugs!

  6. That's a cute owl!! I like Trilogy charts--they are always so fun!
    I am constantly amazed at the wonderful variety of wildlife on your trail cam photos! Just amazing!

  7. Your owl turned out great. How nice to see the variety of wildlife from your trail cam. I'm glad you put water out for them. Lots of bears!!


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