Saturday, November 7, 2015

The Cats and the Deer

Now that it is colder outside, Padma enjoys spending time in 'his' drawer in the kitchen.  Yes, we can never use any of the decorative towels in this drawer. 

I'm wondering if Padma's thick coat means we will have a hard cold winter.

Watch out buddy, someone is watching you!

Fawns are oh so cute.

As you can see, the deer are no longer scared of me.

They watch...

...but they don't move very far away.

Tuesday morning there were eight, yes eight deer in the backyard.
Who were they watching?

Why this handsome fellow, that's who.

Padma says, "I thought I was the handsome fellow!"

Your votes please?!


  1. I don't think I have "met" Padma before. I will have to go back and read some older posts. Isn't he lovely!!

  2. I love the cat in the drawer! Cats certainly "stake out" their territory!
    He is a big fluffy boy....if that fur means it's going to be a hard cold winter, you'd better watch out!!! ha
    The deer are so sweet and it's nice that you can be out there and they don't run away!

  3. My vote is for Padma! He looks so big Beth. Murphy is so tall (to me) and he weighs not even 10 lbs! Mabel, well Mabel does not want me to tell you she weighs 14 lbs. ;)

  4. Why, Padma of course! Love his drawer!
    (Don't tell Padma, but the deer are awfully cute).

  5. Oooh, Padma looks like he plans to defend his drawer to the death!

  6. I'm glad I'm finally well enough to enjoy your wonderful animals and birds again.

  7. The deer are really beautiful, but Padma gets my vote - gorgeous! And I love Padma's drawer - too adorable!!

  8. Great pics! I love Padma's drawer. lol! The other day, there was this snorting noise outside. I glanced out and there was a buck, with a nice rack, and his mate -- both dashing around. They didn't stay long, sadly.

  9. I love Padma
    I send to Padma many big kisses

  10. Tough call, but I think the cat just edges it

  11. OF COURSE, Padma is the winner! I sure wonder now about your pending winter... we shall see... Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.