Saturday, October 3, 2015

Seven Chippies

Yowser!  There were 7, yes 7 chipmunks on the woodpile Friday morning.

I think I managed photos of 3 of 4 of them.

They are pretty hard to tell apart.

This one has a notch in his ear - that helps!

Otherwise, they all look alike to me.

And all look fat and healthy!

We are supposed to have a strong El Nino this winter which means mild temperatures...

...which mean I'll be seeing a lot of them.


  1. Chippies drive the poodles bonkers! They are adorable.

  2. I absolutely love it
    It is adorable
    Many kisses

  3. I love the owl header! I am trying to get back in the groove! Those chipmunks are so cute!

  4. Chippies are just so darn cute! I hope the forecast is correct and that you get to see them all winter Beth.


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