Thursday, October 1, 2015

October Blog Header

Garden Grumbles and Cross Stitch Fumbles October 2015 Blog Header

Here we go.  I've listed the designers, chart names, and design names.  I stitched all of these last year in October and November.  Wow!  Was I ever productive!

Horizontal row.

Row #1: Heart in Hand, "Night Watch"; The Prairie Schooler, "Hocus Pocus" -"Whoo"; The Cricket Collection, "May" - "Scre-e-ech"The Cricket Collection, "June" - "Barney"The Cricket Collection, "July" - "Hoot".

Row #2: Cherry Hill Stitchery, "Blue Owl on Branch"; The Prairie Schooler, "Hocus Pocus" - "Owl Tell"; Lizzie Kate, "Hoot" - "Hoot Fob".

Row #3: Lizzie Kate, "Hats Off to Halloween" - "Be Very Scary"; Hinzeit, "Stacked Halloween"; The Prairie Schooler, "Fall Fields" - "Owl"; The Prairie Schooler, "Hocus Pocus" - "Spooky".

Now on to the happenings in Birdland!

We've had less than 1/2 the usual amount of rain in September, so the bird baths are extremely popular!

I've been pleased to see groups of Cedar Waxwings bathing.

They hang out with American Goldfinches... 

...and Robins without any territorial disputes.

Here you can see the the Robins are larger and more muscular than the Waxwings.

But when a Starling comes by, Boy Howdy!
Look at the two Waxwings on the left - their mouths are wide open - yelling their displeasure.

The much larger Starling battles back and drives off a Waxwing of two.

Again, size comparison - the Starlings are not only much larger, they are also much more aggressive. 

Some birds, like this Scrub Jay, hog the entire bird bath.

And boy do they ever splash

That's one wet bird!

Rising again...

...and again.

Where's a blow-drier when you need one?


  1. You wrote a great post
    Needle work is so beautiful.

  2. I always look forward to the first of the month and a fun new blog header, Beth :) Really love the owls--such a wide variety: serious, scary, cute, and of course, wise!

  3. Awesome header! The Scrub Jay looks like it's at a water park, lol

  4. Great header! I loved the pictures of the jay enjoying its bath

  5. Beth, what a fabulous post! I am constantly amazed at the photos you are able to get!
    Love, love, love your header!

  6. Nice owl header... the Hinzeit one is my fave this time! Great bunch of birdies in the bath... That scrub jay really meant business! Next year, I may introduce a bird bath... Bit by bit... Thanks for sharing! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.