Thursday, October 22, 2015

My Weekly Woodpeckers and a New Owl

Such pretty fabric and only four colors but those are pretty too.
Can't wait to get started on this!

On a foggy evening this tree top was full of Robins (left and top), and an Acorn Woodpecker (bottom), and Hairy Woodpecker (far right). There were two Hairy Woodpeckers in the tree. I did see a Sapsucker too, but just briefly, so no photo.

Here's a male Hairy Woodpecker.

And here he is at the feeder.

A male and female Acorn Woodpecker.

I wish you could hear the birds - they are as close as I get to parrots!

And here's a young female Norther Flicker with the tell tail white rump feathers. As they fly away the white feathers are very apparent, so my sister and I yell, "Flicker Butt!" (Because we are socially only 8 years old!).


  1. Yes that's a lovely owl, gorgeous autumnal colours.

  2. ooOoo! What a pretty, new pattern Beth.

  3. Never heard that--'socially only X years old' --still chuckling! Out here, they call the Yellow-Rumped Warblers 'butter butts'!! They are prevalent, though none have come back to MY feeders yet. Your new piece is going to be lovely--looking forward to seeing it finished!

  4. Lovely new chart and oooh that fabric is pretty with those wodnerful colors. love Annette

  5. What a pretty owl design. The woodpeckers all look good. I sat on my porch this PM and watched the cutest group of chickadees around my bird bath.


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