Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Way Back in the Stitching Archives

Design - "Bunny Under the Moon"
Book - "Cross Stitch Patterns for Mother Goose's Words of Wit & Wisdom" 
Designer - Tedd Arnold
Fabric - called for Aida not sure what I used
Fibers - DMC
Started - December 1993
Completed - February 1994

This is the only photo I have of "Bunny Under the Moon".  My oldest nephew was born in May of 1992 and I gave this to him in February of 1994. It was a challenge to stitch.  The plaid background was pretty intense as were all the blades of grass.  I need to talk to my sister-in-law and see if I can take a couple of photos of it, as well as the design I stitched for my younger nephew.      

While I was at the computer typing up a blog post, I looked out the window...

...and these two guys were looking my direction.

"We're your friends to the end."

I think that's what they were singing, if vultures could sing rather than just grunt.

The Scrub Jays can't sing either - they just squawk.

Okay it's officially a theme.
Cedar Waxwings also don't sing.

They make a high-pitched buzzing sound.

Makes you scratch your head thinking about it, huh?

I'll hand off to a perching neighbor who does sing.

A female Western Tanager.

This might be the last time I see a Tanager this year.

She's going to be heading to Mexico shortly.

I've enjoyed having you visit this summer and hearing your song.


  1. Oh, I sang that verse to the kids all the time when they were little. :D
    Ha! Your vultures friends have a very interesting quote for you! ;)

  2. That's a sweet stitch :-) Ooh, creepy; I'm not sure I'd want to see vultures that close watching me! Would much rather have the pretty birds, even if they don't sing.

  3. Eek! Better move around every so often if the vultures are eyeballing you! Too funny! They actually look kinda handsome in your portrait!

  4. That is a wonderful design for a child!! I don't know if I would like to see those guys looking in my window!!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.