Thursday, September 3, 2015

Back to the Archives We Go

Another item from 23 years ago. I honestly have no memory of stitching this and having it framed.  It's a good thing I have photographic evidence!  I gave this to a high school classmate upon the birth of her second child.  It makes me wonder whether I stitched something for the birth of her daughter too.  I have no idea what the name of the design or designer is.  In the mid-1990's I often stitched designs that were in the popular cross stitch magazines of that time.  I'd guess that's where I found this.

I can't let a week go by without checking in on my woodpeckers. 

This week a Red-breasted Sapsucker stopped by one morning.

Personally, I'd have named it a Red-headed Sapsucker if it had been up to me.

The bird probably does not care one way or another.

The Hairy Woodpeckers are my most 'regular' woodpeckers.

I have both males...

...and females at the feeders and in the trees nearby.

The Acorn Woodpeckers are AWOL most of the time.  I hear them in this distance, but am back to seeing only a single bird, and that infrequently.

The Flickers help to make up for the Acorns' absence.

I've seen males in the trees...

...and females at the feeders.

And I briefly had a Pileated Woodpecker stop by.  Note how brown the sky morning sky is from the smoke of forest fires. We got about 0.4" of rain from Friday through Tuesday and the air is now clear and the skies are blue once again.  

I hope to get the September Blog Header made and up today.  


  1. How wonderful that you have all those different woodpecker species in your garden. A constant source of interest I guess.

  2. You have so many woodpeckers. There are only a couple around here and they don't really visit my trees or feeders, but I do hear them among the neighbors trees. The last few mornings we've gotten up to smoke filled skies which we are told is smoke from the fires on the west coast. Our weather reports are saying you're part of the country is getting much needed rain and that it will really help with the fires.

  3. So many great woodpeckers!!That is a very cute stitch. I love all the cats! What a perfect header!


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