Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sunday Hummers

Most mornings there is a battle over the flowers in the Mudroom Flowerbed.

I think there are enough blooms for several birds, but what do I know?

The Rufous Hummingbirds would rather argue than share.

Though for a few seconds at a time, the flowerbed can accommodate two birds.


My Mom hung up this star mobile in early July.

It is now a Mudroom Flowerbed Lookout Post.

As are many of the plants in the flowerbed including Salvia...

...and Lilies...

...and a handy plastic plant stake.

The morning light on the feathers is remarkable.

Spring green and brown - I may need to buy an outfit with those colors. 

Would that meet with your approval?

I thought not!


  1. The hummer looks precious on the star like that.

  2. Amazing shots you got! What a blessing to have them visiting you! Hugs!

  3. It is so funny to see how they guard the feeders!

  4. I didn't know hummingbirds liked to argue - LOL!
    Beautiful photos as always. Thank you for sharing. love Annette

  5. I love how even though a hummingbird is sitting on that star, it doesn't even tip it over a bit with its weight. Great pics as always!


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