Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Sum Sum Summertime

Design - "A Little Liberty" (kit)
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 32 count raw linen
Fibers - GAST, WDW & Crescent Colors - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 30 July 2015
Completed - 2 August 2015

While patriotic, I think it is more summery than anything else.  It made a nice last stitch to transition to another theme.

Thankfully it is cooler than last week.  We can stroll about and look at my gardening efforts in conjunction with the Tuesday Garden Party and the Maple Hill Blog Hop and not expire from the heat.  It is truly Sum Sum Summertime. 

My sister bought four Giant Sungold sunflowers. They are fuzzy and cheery.

The Oriental Lilies are great hummingbird perches.

They are in full bloom now and smell divine.

The Front Porch in my balliwick.

It took me parts of three mornings in our heat to get it swept and clean up.

It now looks pretty good.

I have a bunch of happy Coleus this year.

And several exuberant Begonias.

I think this vignette of green, blue and purple is quite attractive.

Several of the Fuchsias are in fine form...

...and blooming profusely.

I enjoy the different hybrids with different shapes of blossoms.

The goat stands guard on the porch, but the chipmunks pay him no heed!


  1. Those are fantastic sunflowers.

  2. Lovely stitching and beautiful garden. xx

  3. Great stitching finish! I agree, very summery. Those are neat sunflowers; I've never seen furry ones before. Pretty Coleus; are those hard to grow? I've always liked the look of them. Ha, ha, I love your sentinel goat!

  4. I always enjoy walks with you. All your plants are looking great. I think you have cared for them well during these very hot spells.

  5. Beth, I am constantly amazed and impressed at your talents - you are such an amazing gardener and stitcher and I never fail to learn more about our feathered friends. Thanks as always for the time and effort you put in your beautiful blog. :)

  6. A Little Liberty is one of my favorites! Love the flowers, especially the Giant Sungold sunflowers and the Oriental Lilies. So glad to hear that it's cooler for you.

  7. Beautiful stitching and beautiful plants!

  8. Love the sunflower. I wish more people would experiment with some of the lesser-known varieties. I agree the stitched piece is more summery than patriotic. Wish that happened more...

  9. That sunflower reminds me of the "Teddy Bear" variety. It looks so soft and fluffy. I love purples and blues too, especially when contrasted with the darker greens.
    Your goat is marvelous! Thank you for joining us on The Maple Hill Hop this week!

  10. Your porch is absolutely gorgeous! So much is blooming now! Out here, lots is gone... I like the Liberty piece... I did not get to it yet... maybe... Thanks for sharing, as always!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.