Wednesday, August 5, 2015

August Stitching Theme & August Walk

I have dozens and dozens and dozens or Noah's Ark charts.
I've winnowed it down to these 12 (plus the one I'm currently stitching). This is more than I can ever get around to in a month's time, so I'll have to prioritize.  I'll take a look at the fabric and fibers listings and that will help me to decide what gets done. 

I'm afraid it is going to be a short walk today. With the recent hot weather I haven't been out and about much. So let's see what there is close to home. 

Our Elderberry blooms wonderfully, but never sets fruit.  I've been watching it closely this year, and as best I can tell the birds are eating the berries before they even begin to get ripe.

Unlike the Elderberry, Snowberries are a Last Resort for the birds.  These white berries will hang on well into winter before someone gets hungry enough to consume them.

I'll have to watch and see if these white berries get eaten, I think they will.

The Osoberries are about 1/3 yellow now.  First to bloom and fruit, they are also first to turn color and drop leaves.

I don't know the name of this weed / wildflower.  It is green in the spring and then turns rust colored.  I know as a child I helped spread thousands of seeds as I used to run my fingers along the stem and pop loose all the seeds.

I think we are going to have a pretty crop of Rose Hips this fall.

I know we have a great crop of Blackberries.

I think this small downy feather belonged to a Black-capped Chickadee.
I never know just what I might see on any given walk.


  1. What a great walk and those blackberries look good! That is a lot of charts! I look forward to seeing which ones you choose!

  2. Great choices! I look forward to seeing your stitchy progress. Mmm, love the look of those blackberries!

  3. You have a great selection of charts! Of course, I would lean to the Prairie Schooler first.... lol. Have fun deciding which ones to stitch.

  4. I just love any Noah charts - they're all great and so is your August header Beth.

  5. So many great Noah charts! Love that feather find.

  6. Oooh, wonderful header! And such great Noah's ark charts you have to select from! Love the "Yesteryear" chart especially... Just finished a monster big Noah recently myself (a substantially altered version of the one in Jan/Feb 87 Cross Stitch & Country Crafts).

    Looking forward to seeing which ones you decide to stitch!

  7. Signs of the ending of summer on that walk. What a great collection of Noah's Ark designs.

  8. wow--that is a lot of Noah's Ark charts!!! Of course, looking forward to seeing which ones get stitched this month!! Staying close to home still yields a lot for us to see! Definitely going to have a big bunch of blackberries!! Hugs!


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