Thursday, July 2, 2015

New Stitch and New Birds

It's July and I've chosen my first patriotic stitch of the month.
I had the chart, the linen, and the floss in my stash.  It must be a sign! 

I was pleased to be outside when...
Mr. Bluebird came back by for a short visit.

He is such a pretty bird.

I wish I had the right habitat to have a Bluebird Trail with nestboxes. 

I do apparently have the right habitat for a neat looking Warbler - a Common Yellowthroat.  I heard this bird in the thicket at the edge of the Big Creek.  

They prefer the brush in wetlands and marshy areas.  The edges of our Big Creek are perfect of them.  I think this male is helping to feed his family.  Notice he has a bill full of goodies. Yellowthroats breed in most of the US and Canada, then return to Mexico and Central America for the rest of the year.

Also down at the Big Creek - my 'Reliable Regular' the Willow Flycatcher.

I only ever hear and see one bird.  I hope there are others.


  1. The Common Yellowthroat Warbler is an amazing looking bird. :)

  2. A great new header Beth and a neat little choice of patriotic stitch to begin.

  3. Yup--it's a sign when everything pulls together for a piece! Love the birdies!

  4. Gotta love new stitch goodies! And pretty bird pics :-)

  5. What a wonderful group of beautiful birds. How very special to have a bluebird!


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