Wednesday, July 1, 2015

July Blog Header Revealed

Garden Grumbles and Cross Stitch Fumbles July Blog Header

Row #1: Lizzie Kate, "Liberty for All" (freebie); Mary Garry's Sewing Cabin, "Seasonal Mementos III""Uncle Sam"; Heart in Hand, "America"; Heart in Hand, "4th of July Bird"; Val's Little Stuff, "Long May She Wave".

Row #2: Heart in Hand, "America"; Heart in Hand, "Liberty Angel""Liberty".

Row #3: Shepherd's Bush, "July"; Bent Creek, "Wave"; Bent Creek, "Land That I Love" - "USA"; Lizzie Kate, "Pop!" (freebie).

We are in for lots of hot days.  As much as I'd like to sleep, in the best time to walk is early in the morning. 

So, "Y A W N!

Off we go!

The flax is still blooming...

...and so is the Ocean Spray.

They've been joined by Common Yarrow (Achillea millefolium).  My sister found a large patch of this flower in one of our meadows.  Originally I thought it was Pearly Everlasting though that blooms later in the summer.

But after researching it, the bloom and the delicate ferny leaves mean that it is Yarrow.  It is interesting to me how after six years here, we are still finding 'new' wildflowers.    

We have two kinds of wild Honeysuckle, this is Hairy Honeysuckle (Lonicera hispidula).

And here is Elegant Brodiaea (Brodiaea elegans). It is pretty and papery looking from the side view.

And truly elegant when the inner blossom is examined.

The last of the Oregon Sunshine.

I heard someone singing away - a Robin.

And down below at the edge of a meadow, a bunny.

Douglas' Spiraea blooms for weeks on end.

I found the first Dogwood fruit.

Our poor Madrone are still recovering from our extremely cold weather in December 2013 and February 2014.  This is the best the tree has looked since then.  I love the rust colored bark.


  1. Love the new header. Most Especially WAVE. :D
    Oh my. The Ocean Spray is fantastic!

  2. What a great new header for July, Beth! There are so many wonderful patriotic designs out there and even though I've stitched quite a few of my own, I've only done one of the finishes that are in your header (the long-legged bird)!

    Lovely wildflowers (hope things cool down for you out west--we are just drowning here in the east)...

  3. Love the header! Such cute designs. Do you have the links to the two free Lizzie Kate designs? Yes, the heat does keep walking to early morning or late evening. Beautiful pictures :-)

  4. Love the header. So if you harvested your flax, would you be able to make linen??

  5. I'm glad you were able to take that great walk and share it with us! What a super header!!

  6. Great pictures! I do enjoy seeing your wildflower pictures, it's strange to me how some, like te yarrow and honeysuckle are exactly the same as we have here, whilst others are quite different

  7. I always enjoy the change of blog header! :)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.