Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Welcome May Welcome Spring

Design - "Welcome Spring" (freebie)
Designer - Sub Rosa
Fabric - 32 count linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 27 April 2015
Completed - 29 April 2015

I used DMC 640, 987, 3722, 3727 to stitch this.

I thinking gardening is a wonderful way to enjoy spring.  I'm linking up with the Tuesday Garden Party and the Maple Hill Blog Hop to share my garden adventures with others.  

On Saturday my sister and I visited the Little Red Farm Nursery.
It's a family-owned local nursery that's been in business for 25 years. 

Isn't that an adorable potting shed?

The nursery has a wonderful selection of perennials...

...as well as annuals...

...and hanging baskets.

As much as I love plants, I still get a kick out of Garden Art! 

This mushroom ended up in my basket and went home with me.


This lovely star circle adorns the side of a barn.

I ended up with six flats of plants.  More than enough to keep me busy this week. 

I've potted up the salvias and agastaches which will please my hummingbirds.

I also bought a hosta and several ferns.

Those are all potted up as well.

Today I ferried the plants over to the Front Porch.  I've said it before, and I'll say it again, the best money I ever spent was on my garden cart.  If I can't have a gardener, then I'll settle for my cart as it saves me so much work!

I still have sedums and fuchias galore to set out.  The garden cart and I will be busy the rest of the week...because there's a huge plant sale on Saturday and I need to be all caught up before I buy anything more.

Our poppies have begun to bloom. They are lush and delicate at the same time. I hope you are enjoying your garden too.   


  1. Lovely stitching and adorable pics. Looks like you've had a wonderful time.

  2. Shazam! That poppy is GORGEOUS!!!!

  3. Fun fun fun! Love the mushroom you took home. Love poppies!

  4. The poppy is so delicate. It looks like tissue paper.

  5. Looks lovely! My sister and I also visited a beautiful nursery last week. I took no pictures, but an employee came up to us and said, "You two look like you're having so much fun!". We were!

  6. What a great nursery. And you did some damage. ;) I'll be heading south for a nursery trek at the end of the month and I can't wait!

  7. May has to be the best month to visit garden nurseries! You have a lovely and quick finish there, Beth! I also find your new header Spectacular!!!

  8. What a great nursery. Pretty plants all in a row. We are on our 2nd garden cart and you are right. Best invention since sliced bread. With 2.6 acres it travels all over but I love it best when cleaning beds and especially planting time. My husband lays a board across the front so I can stand and repot woth the soil bag that's already in the cart.

  9. What a glorious place to visit! Those hedgehogs are adorable!

    Thanks for stopping by The Maple Hill Hop!

  10. Pink Poppies!! Love them! And the potting shed--want!!

  11. Welcome spring is so pretty! That mushroom is super pretty! love Annette


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.