Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Enjoying Spring

Design - "Happy Easter"
Designer - Sub Rosa
Fabric - 28 count white Cashel
Fibers -2 strands over 2 threads - 'Easter Parade' Silk and Colors by the Threadgatherer
Started - 1 May 2015
Completed - 4 May 2015

Honestly this stitch is far prettier than the scan shows it to be.  I am very pleased with my choice of threads - 'Easter Parade' is a perfect mix of spring colors.

There are lots of spring colors to enjoy this time of year.  Let's take a short walk. 

The Blue Oregon Iris are at their peak.

A Song Sparrow sings in a native Ceanothus.  

This is commonly called Buck Brush, Oregon Tea Tree or Redstem Ceanothus (Ceanothus sanguineus).

I'm not sure what this shrub is - nonetheless it is pretty.  

The bright green growth of good old Sword Ferns!

More Iris!

The Osier Dogwood will be in bloom soon.

A young Big Leaf Maple in bright green and red.

A fern unfolds.

And the Hawthorne blooms.

Ah, but the Iris, oh the Iris!


  1. You are an early riser! I think I am when I get up at 7... LOL. Beautiful Spring flowers.

  2. The iris are gorgeous! Love the color against the green.

  3. Thanks for a beautiful walk! Happy Easter and Welcome Spring turned out great!

  4. che colori splendidi, il filo è perfetto


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