Saturday, May 30, 2015

Further Chipmunk Adventures

Lots of chipmunk action on the Big Woodpile.

Everyone is dedicated to consuming sunflower seeds.

It's the breakfast of Champion Chipmunks.

They even cease chasing one another for the Breakfast break.

Look at those chubby cheeks!

And such pretty brown eyes...

...and cute little paws.

The Cutest Thing Ever!
Even Vonna's husband would have to agree!


  1. Aww. You know what our front porch chipmunk eats for breakfast? Madeleine and I watch him. The seeds from our Silver Bark Maple. He really, really loves them.

  2. Imagine if these were rats. Chipmunks are so much cuter but I was thinking our brains are geared towards the things we think of as beautiful and automatically assign them 'goodness'. (sorry but my brain just took me away to that thought!)

  3. They are cute, but we have them running in our gutters, kind of annoying, good thing they are cute, lol

  4. Chipmunks are just the cutest things, unlike the completely annoying squirrels we have here in Portland. I'll trade you!

  5. They are such cute little critters!

  6. The ARE cuter than squirrels! Cause they are small, like hamsters we have as pets!


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