Sunday, May 31, 2015

A Quiet Sunday

We've all been enjoying the warmer weather. 

But being cats...yawn...a nap is always in the works.

The deer having nothing against a morning nap.

Mama does keep an eye on things.

Yep, we're looking at you!

The fawn chews his cud.

Then he settles down for a nap.

I don't think Hummingbirds nap.

My Rufous male seem always to be on patrol.

The male Anna's sneaks a drink in Rufous Territory!

And here's a female Rufous. As more and more of my plants come into bloom, I'll have more Hummingbird activity close to the house.


  1. Can we have some of your warm weather, tomorrow is June and it's still only warm here. Lovely photo's as usual.

  2. Looks nice and lazy around your house -- except for the hummers, of course. :D

  3. Great pictures of the Rufous. Mine is especially camera shy. I get within 25 feet and he is gone! LOL

  4. Your deer are sooooooooo trusting!
    The heat is on in our home presently! I woke up to 44º.

  5. I love the photo of the hummingbird and the pink flower - so pretty.

  6. beautiful photos, love the hummingbird

  7. Just wonderful pictures. We have cooled off a bit yesterday and today. That's fine by me. I prefer the 70's to the 80's!

  8. Aren't those hummers just amazing?! Looks like good napping weather to me!

  9. I love your monthly headers. This one is exceptional! Thank you for your ongoing inspiration😀


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