Friday, April 3, 2015

Birds of a Feather Do Not Always Flock Together!

It's going to take me a while to stitch this sheep. Its wool coat pattern is pretty complicated. Lots of: stitch 4, change colors, look at pattern; stitch 6, change colors, look at pattern. FROG!

The other afternoon this Sharp-shinned Hawk took up residence in the small Maple tree next to the peanut and suet feeders. 

It's a pretty brazen bird and does not fly away when I come to the window to get a better look.

Needless to say there were no other birds in the area at the time!

The hawk is quite small - not much larger than my Scrub Jays...

As a raptor and predator it still commands the respect of the larger birds - the Mourning Doves for example immediately leave!


  1. Wow, I guess he didn't want any birds to use the feeders! lol! He's a pretty bird, but I hope he catches his prey elsewhere. (Suggestion on the sheep: I tend to just stitch in rows. Follow the chart, stitch the white in rows first and just leave blanks where the dark color goes. Then go back and fill in the dark. Just a thought.)

  2. Your sheepie will be darling though once he's all dressed in his wool coat :)
    What a handsome, commanding presence the sharp-skinned hawk is!

  3. ahhhh! That sheep is darling.

  4. The sheep will be worth the extra effort, Beth--he's looking very cute :) The hawks markings are spectacular--have never seen one that small before.

  5. Your hawk is so majestic, even if he's only small! Amazing photos. I think Margaret's advice is good for stitching on something as detailed as your sheep. It looks great.

  6. Your sheep is going to be beautiful!
    Beautiful hawk and he looks like he demands respect. Happy Easter!
    love Annette

  7. I do the same as Margaret, Beth, in the case of the sheep I would do the thin squiggly lines first and then fill in the background colour last.

  8. This sheep is going really nice. And l;ooks like she will be a lovely one :)I agree with Margaret try to do it that way.


  10. I love this little sheep face already but I can see how all the color changes would be a little tedious. On the flip side, if you put one wrong here and there, no one will notice. It's very random-ish. :)

  11. Well, seeing t'your' hawk tells me that what I saw out my window, on my feeder, was certainly NOT a sharp-shinned... oh well, as long as I don't see it in action in my yard ever again, I don't care what it was! I love those BOAF pieces... as you know! Hugs!


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