Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Color, Inspiration, and Plant Purchases

It's Tuesday and time once again for a Garden Party

As part of our Saturday Road Trip, my Mom and I dropped in on Garland's Nursery. 

Here you can see a blue bunny has photo-bombed the Parliament of owls!

I'm a sucker for garden art and birds...and when they are combined...

I think the temperature reached 68F on Saturday!

While the display of perennials was sparse so early in the gardening year...

...Garland's did have a wonderful display of dwarf conifers.  They've become a passion of mine. There are so many different colors and textures; and some tolerate full sun while others thrive in shade.

As you might expect there were primroses and pansies for sale.  

Can you tell which end of the rainbow makes me happy?

I thought these large pots would look fabulous in the courtyard of my Mexican Coastal Get-away - not that I have a Mexican Coastal Get-away!

Remember the small green cupboard at Friendship Crossing?
What do you think of the green picket fence potting bench...  

...or this green bistro set?

Besides plants there were gardening shoes and boots, bulbs, seeds, gloves, and fountains. 

I practiced great restraint and came home with three Belarina primroses, four fuchsias, a couple each of echevarias and dianthus.

The primroses are potted up and enjoying our unseasonably warm temperatures.

As are the cats!
I hope you enjoyed today's garden tour.


  1. Beautiful and inspiring. I love blues too. So calming against vibrant green.

  2. Oh, such a pretty post, Beth! How wonderful to have all those flowers and shrubs to inspire you this spring... We are still watching the snow melt, but it is definitely melting and that is progress! I love that collection of blue pots (with or without the Mexican Coastal Get-away :)

  3. I think that bench is awesome! And those primroses are stupendous!

  4. Cats really do have the right idea:-) Garden art is fun, so much to choose from but I do like the birds as well.

  5. Oh. My. Goodness! I love those blue pots!! They remind me of tropical waters. :-)

  6. Beautiful post! Makes me want to tackle my garden, but I think it's a little too early yet. Mind you my tulips are up out of the ground a couple of inches, so we're getting closer!

  7. Beth, what a fun road trip! It is always so inspiring to visit a garden center. I always pick out things for the screened in 4-season porch that I do not have!
    What a great picture Solomon/TomCat (apologies, right now can't remember who is in the picture)
    I continue to be envious of your weather but at least we have been well above 0 degrees C so am feeling very hopeful. A friend spotted two robins so for sure spring is coming!

  8. Ah, what a treat! A real treat for eyes that need color so much right now. Love all the blue! Love the green picket fence pieces! Love the flowers! Ahhhhh!!!!

  9. What a wonderful nursery. I love the dwarf conifers too. I hope to put a few on my deck this year. Your primroses are so pretty!

  10. What a lovely spring filled post! Those double primroses are beautiful

  11. What a lovely place to visit. If that place doesn't give you spring fever, nothing will. Love all the whimsical figures.

    I'd love for you to share this cheery post on this week's Maple Hill Hop!
    Enjoy your new additions.

  12. What fun! We're having some of your warm temps too. It's great to see the ground again and the snow piles are disappearing.

  13. I absolutely LOVE the picket fence potting bench!

  14. There is NO WAY I wouldn't have come home with that rooster head/statue thing.

    My indoor primrose hasn't bloomed all winter. :(


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.