Sunday, January 11, 2015

Weekend Chores

Under the eagle eyes of my Cat Supervisors, I worked outside Saturday morning.

We'd had a cold spell a couple of weeks ago, and I'd moved 10 garden cart loads of plants into the shop. It was time to bring them back outside. 

It doesn't look like all that much.

But it took me over two hours to get everything situated once again.

We have very mild temperatures for the next 10 days, never even approaching 32F for a low.  I'm betting this will be a snow-free winter. 

And yes, I should keep working on the craft room.
Can you tell that I've made any progress?

But before I work on that, I need to pack up Christmas.
I hauled in all the boxes. I think my great great grandmother, Jerushia Grimm Greenwell is appalled by all the 'stuff'. I expect the Grimm family took a bare minimum when they came out to Oregon from Iowa in 1852.  

Sorry Jerushia, but you didn't know about Ikea, did you!


  1. Jerushia would've gotten into trouble in Ikea, too. It happens to all of us! :O)

  2. I am amazed at your mild weather.
    I like your great great grandmother's name.
    Go Pack!

  3. The potted plants look awesome. Jerushia would have liked what you liked.

  4. Love that name Jerushia! So how do you decide to put the plants out? Just watch the forecast? I'l be too lazy and just leave them in for the winter! lol!

  5. Having the chairs all in a row with a bed on each for the "supervisors" really cracks me up! How nice that the weather has so improved that human, feline and flora can enjoy it.

  6. I would not take a chance on leaving plants out here... our nights have been in the teens lately. The days have been from low 20's to mid 40's (today). I love seeing your craft room--it is HUGE! And the cats certainly have it made! Hugs!

  7. My craft room wants to look like yours when it grows up! Lovely!

  8. All your plants look great! I hope we are finished with any temps below 32! We have been very gray and wet all week-end but I like that better than the sunny cold!

  9. What a big number of Christmas boxes! I thought I had a lot, but you are topping me! :o)


  10. It all takes time...unfortunately. It's been so cold here that I haven't brought the storage tub inside from the garage to put the last of our Christmas stuff away yet.


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